and the build continues

The display cases are still being built. The display room keeps getting a little closer to being done. Everything is looking really good except it takes time. Which is not a surprise.
Maybe the surprise is that as much I continue to learn, it goes as fast as it does! All the drawers are now built. I ran out of drawer slides so two more drawers to be installed. I need to figure out the fronts of the drawers and the doors.
One of the biggest accomplishments was getting the counter top built. It is not what was planned but it turned out well. The shop across the neighborhood came in very handy and my Beloved went and worked with Trevor to create this. I sanded. I am going to sand some more. It is close to being near finish sanding but I may just take some more care.
What I have not mentioned is that I am now injured. I set up a piece of wood poorly on the table saw and it popped. When it popped, the tip of my middle finger hit the blade. No more and nothing to save. I have not actually looked at it. I am told it is healing well and I know it could have been worse.
I have ordered a Safe Stop Saw for our house. My thought was I was going to start having small boys wanting to help. I was not going to take a chance with them if there is technology available to stop small fingers from being removed. I am grateful that I did not lose more of the finger.
One of the funniest things about it, is that I have been asked if I did it in the kitchen. Honestly, I am surprised it has not been there. I have some nice scars. But the finger is healing. And I can tell it is taking a lot of energy because I am doing everything I do. Then I need a nap. It will be well.

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