Entries in carpentry (7)


breakfast nook and table

I have been having a difficult time figuring how to blog when I am working on a carpentry project.  I think there is a definite bit of I am not used to that energy being used that way.  I am also not used to being outside in Texas heat for hours.  By the end of the day, my brain cells do not rub together let alone what to make words.

But yesterday, all the benches were taken away an dthe table was finished.

The funny thing was that I was given the wrong dimensions by the boyo who I was building this for.  So, I built three storage benches instead of two.  And the new one was huge!

I never did get a chance to take a good picture of all three together.

But the storage works.  They work as seating.  Hopefully, they will survive two small boys.

Then, there was the table to build.

The whole thing took over 40 hours to build over about three weeks.  The original time estimate I saw was 20 hours.  But I put bottoms and backs on the benches which were not part of the original design. There were three instead of two.  The last bench was almost seven feet long.  And I do not think the original estimate included the table.  Basically, it was $100 and 10 hours per item.  It probably would have been more if I had done each individually.  Or used better wood.  This was just from Home Depot.  Which I may not go to anymore.  Bleah on the CEO!

I was still trying to do other work.  Other home stuff.  Coaching.

I did buy myself two new tools.  A new hammer and a new table saw.  The table saw is because I hurt myself on our old one and I keep thinking about small boys helping me.  This one has technology that will stop it from cutting flesh.  The hammer is because my old one needs to be rehandled and has not been yet.  

What else took time away from this project was I am learning to sharpen knives the way the boyos wish it done.  I am going to be runnin the  mobile sharpening truck.  After I build it.  Guess what I get to design and build next.  Ideas are welcome!


Display room

Except for a few small pieces, the display room is done for Serenity Knives!

It has turned out so nicely.  There have been people through it as we were finishing and everyone who has seen it has been impressed.  I think that we were all ready for it to be done.  I basically took the weekend off from all things that did not include a crochet hook or sewing machine except coaching.  

Now, it is time to look at the next projects.  My hand is healing which allows for easier typing.  My truck is again street driveable after the tree fell on it during the most recent sets of storms.  I get to design and build the sharpening truck next.  And I will be the mobile sharpener.  I will still be in this space but I will have to figure out how.  

I also have been asked to design a breakfast nook with table.  It would also need storage so it could be interesting.  I have the dimensions and it will just take computer time.  I do admit to drooling over wood at the lumber store.  I would not mind building myself a $3000 dining room table but I do believe that is out of budget for this family.

I need to refinish my dining room table.  Between hot dishes, pizza cutting, hard writing, and over 20 years of use, it is time.  It is a Pottery Barn round table which they no longer make.  It is a nice size which it is why I would refinish instead of purchase or remake.  I may make something similar if there is another home.  It sits 8 comfortably and we have had 10 around it.  I like the round because it allows people to talk more.

There may be a bench commissioned too.  I will see.  My hopes are not up about that one but I liked that I put it into the universe.  I do like working with wood.  I still love working with fiber but this feels just as creative.  Sometimes very similar and sometimes very different.

Let us see what I get pulled into next!



I am still doing wood work. That is easier with my finger then typing!  The counter tops are mostly done.  I did the majority of the sanding and finishing of them.  I actually overdid, again.  There were a few days that the end of the day was me barely walking.  The last of the finishing will happen after they are installed.  I can see them getting dinged.

I went up to a 2500 grit sandpaper.  These are so lovely.  It makes me wish to redo my dining room table.  Soon.

I have to admit that I have mostly been living on toast with raw honey on it.  My best friend sent me the honey from New Mexico.  It is my most favorite.  I do not eat it with a spoon but on oatmeal bread?  OH, MY!

I took pictures but I could really not share.  There was a storm that came through here on Friday night.  A tree came down.  On my truck.  My truck runs but I cannot open the hood.  Because it is a 1992 Chevy truck, I feel like the insurance company will total it.  So I am keeping my eyes open for another truck.  A work truck.  For very little money because that is what I have right now.  I do not wish to take out another vehicle loan.

I feels like there are so many opportunities coming to me.  Such an odd feeling after the last couple of weeks.


and the build continues

The display cases are still being built.  The display room keeps getting a little closer to being done.  Everything is looking really good except it takes time.  Which is not a surprise.

Maybe the surprise is that as much I continue to learn, it goes as fast as it does!  All the drawers are now built.  I ran out of drawer slides so two more drawers to be installed.  I need to figure out the fronts of the drawers and the doors.

One of the biggest accomplishments was getting the counter top built.  It is not what was planned but it turned out well.  The shop across the neighborhood came in very handy and my Beloved went and worked with Trevor to create this.  I sanded.  I am going to sand some more.  It is close to being near finish sanding but I may just take some more care.

What I have not mentioned is that I am now injured.  I set up a piece of wood poorly on the table saw and it popped.  When it popped, the tip of my middle finger hit the blade.  No more and nothing to save.  I have not actually looked at it.  I am told it is healing well and I know it could have been worse. 

I have ordered a Safe Stop Saw for our house.  My thought was I was going to start having small boys wanting to help.  I was not going to take a chance with them if there is technology available to stop small fingers from being removed.  I am grateful that I did not lose more of the finger.  

One of the funniest things about it, is that I have been asked if I did it in the kitchen.  Honestly, I am surprised it has not been there.  I have some nice scars.  But the finger is healing.  And I can tell it is taking a lot of energy because I am doing everything I do.  Then I need a nap.  It will be well.


building display cases

I know I have been quiet in this space.  I have not been sick or traveling.  I did have a funeral to go to which having a good person die is always sad.  This was Koda Bear's  other grandmother who died so all of Tuesday was mourning her and supporting that side of the family.

What I have been doing this week is brushing off old skills and learning new ones to build the display cases for the boyos.  Monday, I ran a table saw for four hours after spending eight hours building a cut list.  Knowing what I do now, I would have changed cut list.  I would have spent another four to eight hours on it to really make sure I had what I wanted.  Another spreadsheet would have been created!  I learned a lot since Monday.  This was just the first step.

I had help with the table saw.  I am not big enough to manhandle 3/4" plywood sheets by myself.  I just do not have the wingspan or the the strength.  But when it was all done, this was the pile that was brought back to the shop.

Knowing what I do now, I would have made this pile much more organized. I would have probably taken a day with the cutlist to do that.  I got tired of "which piece of wood do I need and where is it."  That was me. I said it out loud a bit but thought it a lot!

To build the display cases, I learned how to use a pocket hole jig.  The first time I tried to use one, I was totally confused and ended up not using it.  Now, I can run of these like a pro.  Not that I cannot get better at it, because I can.  

By the end of Wednesday or mid Thursday (I cannot remember anymore), the frames for two of the three display cases were built.  The corner one still needs to be built.  I handed it off to my Beloved because he was having a tough time installing drawers so I may finish it.

The next step was building drawers.  Lots of drawers.  The boyos decided they wanted mostly drawers and not shelves for knife storage.  It started out as 32 drawers total.  It is going to end up with 37 drawers total.  After yesterday, I now know that I have that I have to remake two more because I built two too big.  I need to add more clearances. 

My biggest learning here is that I should not have precut my drawers.  I could cut the drawer heights I wished and the lengths of the sides but the front and back?  No.  Going from the computer to human measurement and divider placement did not keep the drawer sizes the same.  

But most of them are done and ready for installation.

That is what I spent nine hours doing yesterday.

I got really good at installing drawers.  This is another places though that I can tell that I have been working with too many computer generated clearances as a scientist and not human hand done clearance.  An extra 1/16th or 1/32nd of an inch here and there would have been helpful.  

I would say we are half way done with the display cases.  There are more drawers to build, more to install, and the corner case to finish building.  Then, the drawers all need faces and the countertop needs to be built.  So far, was this easier then Ikea?  But, the display cases are better dimensions and less expensive.  Now saying that, the counter top is going to be a custom butcher block that I will probably end up building.  The total could run more then Ikea.  But for an artisan knife shop, artisan display cases make since.  The cost, including labor may come in to less then what installed cabinets from Ikea would have been.  

I was asked the question, do I enjoy this?  I do.  There are times that I am frustrated but I am learning new things.  I think the frustration levels will go down as I have better skills.  Also, I need to know when stop better.  I have come in from working on this project this week and been so worn out I could barely move.  Last night, I hurt until I went sleep.  I am better this morning but I can feel it.  

I have been asked to put together a quote for a corner seating area in one of the boyos kitchens.  He does not enjoy wood work.  After this is done, at least to putting the counter top together, I will give him that quote.

It is an interesting windy road I am traveling.  It is awfully fun and I am incredibly grateful that I get these choices!