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Lady Emma

We had frost in our neighborhood this week.  How strange for April in Houston.  I realized that I wished to put my hands in the soil.  It may be due to how chaotic life is.  I love the short people in my life but that does not mean I have a lot of time to create.  Or thought power.

I can pull weeds and try to make the flowers that are starting to flower try to look prettier.  I planted a Lady Emma rose.  The buds are changing in a positive way, not a I killed it as I planted it.  I hope to plant more roses again. I need flowers.  There is a theory that flowers are enlightened beings because they developed before insects and other pollinators.  

I do not know.  I am not that wise.  I know flowers sooth my soul.  I am going to add more roses to my garden again.  The soil should have revived from the last time I planted them.  And this time, I am not so worried about having veg as well.  I am told I may get a veg plot again in the backyard.  I am kind of at I will believe it when I see it stage of life.

But I will have roses.  Be prepared for many pictures when that does happen!

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