about the level of thought I am at

It has been a good week but there has been a lot of change. The boyos are building out the shop to include a display room for knives. The whole back yard and shop feel like a mess! Wednesday felt incredibly overwheliming but it keeps getting a bit better each day.
I was thinking about writing about making English muffins but my brain has not words. Instead, all I wish to do is sit and spin. Or sit and crochet. Forever shawls are about my speed currently because I do not have to think. I have a sweater I am working on and there is a little more thought involved there. But there are a few more stitches involved.
I have started to do some researching into dyeing yarn. I would like the ability to take some of the white fleeces I have and make them something else. I love the natural browns, blacks, and whites but lets be honest. I am a bit of a klutz and white yarn will not stay white in any garmet I make! Color is a good thing.
Off to more research and crochet!

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