missing this walk

Life during the first week of school for the Tall Short Person and Koda Bear plus add in a holiday weekend and it has just been a bit busy! I needed some quiet this last weekend so instead of writing in this space, I took a nap and worked on a blanket. That was very much where my head was. And my body did not like coming back to the heat and humidity. Skating is much easier then walking but even hours of that can hurt. I have much to do in the next six weeks and I am just going to take it a small bit at a time.
I do have to say, I miss the walk we took. After hiking so much in the Rocky National Park, we decided we really needed to do more in our own "backyard." Or at least our mountain backyard. The Tall Short Person found the Chain Lake Trail in the Mount Baker Wilderness. Even though she and Blue were not with us, we decided to take a walk.
The hike is a circle of lakes near the Mount Baker visitor center. It is about eight miles in length and 1700 feet in elevation. We started at the visitor center and went clockwise around it. We got the worst of the uphill done first! The views of Mount Baker and Mount Shuskan were fabulous.
There were two very primitive campgrounds on the walk with pit toilets. We had lunch the one near Mazama Lake, at the campground there. It was lovely. And Koda Bear could touch the water and I was not worried because it did not have the drop off I am used to with mountain lakes. For example, Iceberg Lake which we passed.
It was a good day. I enjoyed the trees a lot. I did hang back from the boyos for awhile in the beginning. Just until they got their hiking legs under them. I hike differently. Tortoise like. Much more of a walk. Take a moment to look at mountains, trees, lakes. I do not talk much when I walk. I do need a bear bell and I am looking at buying walking sticks. They will probaby be high tech poles but that is okay. Being able to break down to my backpack is a good thing.
After the crazy business of the last week and a half, I am ready for another walk. I had thought I might get to Salida, Colorado this weekend for a fiber fair but it is not going to happen. To close to this last trip and I have a truck cabin to build before the middle of October. I am supposed to be purchasing lumber for it today.
I am at least going to make a start. Dream about mountains and autumn a bit. Dream about going for a walk.
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