And another wood working project started

This is a picture of what I was doing at lunch today. I have started building the truck cabin for the mobile sharpening truck for Serenity Knives. Does it feel a bit daunting? Yes. But then all of my wood working projects have felt pretty daunting to begin with.
What has not helped this is the heat. Usually, September starts giving some hints that the heat will break. Not yet. It is currently 100 degrees with a heat index of 106 outside. Even under the carport, that is too hot to move around too much.
I was actually getting a lot done. I felt like I might get all the framing for the floor in. But then a lot of sharpenings came through the shop. Because I am learning how to do sharpenings, I had work to do. I enjoy the process because it is meditative. The boyos are a hoot to be around. They make me laugh. I feel like I am just starting to get a handle on the sharpening thing. I know there will some hiccups on the way though.
I have about a month to get the majority of it put together. There will be more pictures of it in process but I have other projects I am working on too. I do have to say I have gone back to a simpler bread loaf again. Mostly trying to keep everybody happy and to get more nutrition into Koda Bear. Bread is sometimes all it seems he eats!

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