more traveling

Last week I was at my Dad's. This next week I am back at my Dad's. It is all about doctor's appointments. We both liked his cardiologist. And more doctor's appointments to be made.
Before I left I was working on another chef's roll. I will finish it next week. I was also working on resin scales for knife handles. I got them out of the molds but I have no idea what they really look like. They both used different handle scraps. I will find out more next week. And there are always farmers markets to work. I have some to check out too.
I signed up for an online workshop on ecoprinting and plant dyeing. It is also about how to create clothes that ae always mendable, changeable. It was a workshop that I wanted to take in person but it was both expensive and in Canada. Driving distance to the mountain but I probably would have just stayed in Vancouver B.C. That way I could have stayed late if I needed. Stitched with other people.
The online workshop is words and videos. I have learned new things already. Very simple but tips that have never really been voiced that way. I also ordered dye and the clothing blanks that I would have used in the workshop. Actually more because I am going to play with the ecoprinting and treat my best friend too. The plant dyes I ordered will give me a new ranges of colors to work with. And ribbons to make.
My walk behind tractor got delivered to my Dad's. We will take it up to the mountain. That will interesting. My Dad, my Beloved, and Koda Bear. And me. If I could lift it in and out of the truck myself I would go by myself but probably not going to happen.
When I get back I would love to focus on making jam and dyeing and ecoprinting napkins. I know that is not what life will be about and that will be okay. Just some time to breathe would be nice.

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