My Mom's memorial

I am back. I spent a total of six days, almost seven driving cross country. The quiet was nice.
I went to my Mom's memorial.
I could have eaten better on the road but it was too cold most of the way to cook in rest areas. It is where I slept though I had a bed made in the Subaru. I have had poor experiences with beds across country. Especially some of the routes from here to there.
Everyone in the family is quiet sad. Still really not believing that my Mom died. She was the healthiest of everyone. We expected her to live to 109. She and I had walks planned.
But that is not what happened. She actually never felt sick from the cancer but that is not true from the drugs that were given. The drugs shortened her life.
We had the memorial. It was a full Episcopalian mass. Which is what she would have wanted. Her ashes were interned in a columbarium in the garden at the church. The ladies of the church put on a wonderful reception. So many people came that the sacristy, nave, and parish hall were full for the service and the reception. And family was there.
I stayed for five more days to help out my Dad. More cleaning happened. Getting tasks done. Just being there.
I visited my Aunt and Uncle on the way home. That was a stop in Portland that was both family and business. I stopped for supplies for the boyos too. Then, I stopped at a knife store. Why not? But, I do feel the knife I brought home was not sharp enough. I will need to sharpen it.
I am picky when it comes to my knives. I do cook a lot. I cook a lot of vegetables and need to make sure I can cut them.
I am now home. Trying to get caught up. I am not feeling my best.
So I am taking my time getting back into my routine. Part of it is how much work there is for me to do. Let alone watching Blue. I was missed by both small humans. And one is not so small anymore!
Part of me does not feel the most creative currently. But there is yogurt fermenting. Bread dough rising. A sweater almost done. Some of the finance stuff I need to do is done. I will do more tomorrow. There is just not enough time in the day.
This is definitely one of those times that it is clear that I am not anti-social but pro-solitude.
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