I made it to 2022

I made it to 2022. That is about how I feel right now. The month of December was mad when it came to the business. Which was a good thing when it came to the business but not a great thing when it came to things like remembering to wrap presents.
Myself and my Beloved went to my Dad's for Christmas and the week after. Snohomish and Bellingham got more snow that stayed longer then has happened since the 1960's. My brother and sister with their families were also at Dad's for that week so it was interesting. The main roads were clear but none of the side roads. My Dad's four wheel drive truck was wonderful. It also means I am starting to think about a four wheel drive truck for my next truck.
When I was up there, I went and saw my morphologist. The axe head to the face caused my left eye to be inflamed. I was telling them in ER that I was not seeing as well from my left eye but it was not as important as my laceration and slight TBI. Nothing was healing with my eye and I even felt like it was getting worse. Diagnosed as an inflamed eye. There are currently drops going on and there have been three visits so far. There is healing but we will see what my next appointment brings. I may need to see a corneal specialist.
After the snow. After one of the best meals out I have ever had at El Gaucho's for my Dad's birthday, time to head back to Texas.
We actually did not get all the way back to Texas. Our second flight was cancelled and we spent the night in Las Vegas. We just took it as a grand adventure. I found a great last minute rate at the Bellagio. We had dinner at Spago's on their deck. We watched the fountain show. It was lovely. The Spago dinner was lovely but it was too close to the El Gaucho dinner to judge it fairly. I would have dinner there again with out a qualm! The only thing was that in less then 24 hours back to Texas, I was back to Washington.
I think busy, maybe even manic busy, is how my year is going to go. We are going to try to be better about camping. I want more beach time. More surf time. More walking time. I want to time to play outside.
I hope your holiday went well and the start of 2022 is going well.
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