
I am trying to learn calligraphy. I have a workshop in a box and some books on hold at the library. I might get there.
I have been trying to do some designing for printing. I really like the idea of script but I have not found anything that I really like. The thought had been in the back of my head that I should learn calligraphy and create a script I like. Then print what I wish too. I have started that process.
I have mentioned that the energy levels are very low. I am doing one letter at a time right now until those levels increase. But I am spending energy on making bread. I have croissant dough rising in the refrigerator. I keep thinking I should bake and sell. That way I could put my hands in dough more often. I just need a few customers who wish a basket each week. Similar to a CSA but homemade bread. Maybe someday.