yes, white dress and blue hands

I have been wanting to dye and just have not had enough time. There have been chef rolls and face masks to make. Family and business.
I decided to take some of the ecoprinted cotton I was intending to use for a dress and dye it with indigo. It will become face masks or I will sew it together to cut out a different style dress then I was first planning. Yes, those have been my thoughts about fabric recently. Why did I cut something out that way? Sew it all together so I can cut it oug in a different way for a different shape dress. Completely where my head is.
This morning I got dressed in a white dress, put an apron on, and then had Koda Bear helping me. The help started with making two different doughs. One for bread and one that is sweeter that will be turned into cinnamon rolls and hot cross buns. I can eat hot cross buns year round and do! I had been requested to make cinnamon rolls this week as well so that was on the agenda.
Earlier this week, I had put the ecoprinted cotton in a bucket of water with alum added. I needed to make sure the indigo stuck. After the dough mixing, Koda Bear and I mixed up the indigo pot. Then the fabric was added. Now, it is wait and see what the end product looks like. But we both have blue hands. My white dress seems to have weathered the indigo pot well and is still fairly white. Tea and small Blue hands are why it is fairly white.
I found the marigold while I was looking for the indigo. I am thinking I might go there this coming week. Being creative when I am doing much of the cooking, cleaning, small human watching, and sewing face masks is hard. I take a break from face masks by working on chef rolls for Serenity Knives. So being able to put fabric in a pot and see what happens is a nice creative place. I started a soft cozy shawl from leftover yarn to work on when I am fading in the evenings.
I wonder what marigold and indigo might make......