Entries in harvey (2)


Harvey is not done yet

It is raining here.  Harvey is not yet done.  But maybe the rain will ease soon.  I have those pictures of the freeways under water.  I have the pictures from two blocks away where White Oak Bayou breached its banks.  It did not flood our street.  It did not come to close to our house.  But, as I type this, it is the first time in days where the skies are lightening a bit.  Safe, dry, with water and power.  I am beyond grateful and thankful.  

I am tired.  Tired from four days of what to expect next.  If there is an emergency, can they get to us or we get out?  My house is on high ground but that does not mean it is accessible.  The street is poorly engineered and floods.  It floods when rain just spits at it!  But it has flowed the whole time.  There is not much more that I can ask.

I have baked bread, made yarn, sewn.  I have done everything I can think of not to check the weather every hour.  Not check continually check on friends.  On the whole, the people I know are lucky.  People I know are out rescuing others and taking of others.  I have opened our doors to friends just in case.  So far, I have not been taken up on that.  It is community.  It is what we saw after Ike.  

I know the chain saw is coming out today or tomorrow because there is some neighborhood cleanup that needs to be done.  Nothing major.  Nothing blocking.  It will be low priority but if we do it someone else does not have to.  Once the rain eases more, the cleanup will start.  It is what we do.



We have water.  A bit of wind.  Thunder and lightening at times.  This is good so far.  The problem is that this could be going on for the next four days.  Our street is empty currently but this picture is from this morning.  My morning walk did not happen because I do not walk when there is lightening in the sky.  I admit to being antsy.  I spent much too much time on Pinterest this morning and now wish to go a fabric store.  Inspiration at the wrong moment!

Bread is still being made.  That happens no matter what.  I have tweaked the recipe for my walnut cranberry bread.  I have decided I like it much better with less walnuts.  Where the ratio of cranberries to walnuts is 2:1.  The math major coming out in me.  There will be fresh bread tonight.  I could say as long as we have power but  I know how to bake this in a fire and I have a dutch oven so it will be baked tonight.

Being safe is good.