
I admit to being addicted to the Great British Baking Show. We had dinner with a friend and enough margarita was drank that we introduced her to it. Another addict. I cannot wait until next Monday when I get to watch the semi-finals. Saying that, there are now a lot of things I want to try.
Sunday was cream puffs. The requested was actually eclairs but no one around here likes that big of portion so cream puffs it was. I have never made choux before and I thought it was incredbily easy. Even if it was with a wooden spoon instead of a mixer. I will have to work on my creme pat. It was just not thick enough.
I realized that I could just eat the baked choux by itself. Found out I am not the only one.
I find that making ganache is incredibly easy. But then I have only been lectured about the properties of chocolate for as long as I can remember. My Dad makes candies and chocolate is integral.
Thicker creme pat and they would be lovely. I have been requested to make just vanilla ones next. Thicker creme pat, a dusting of powder sugar, a basic number 9 tip, maybe some other tools. I can see this.
I made the comment this week: Do not ask me, I am just the pastry chef. Yep. My life.