Entries in skateboarding (7)


surfing concrete

My boards have come into my life.  I am excited.  However, life has gotten a bit in the way and I have not had a chance to try them.  The trucks need to be tightened and my hips need not to hurt.  Though, I will totally admit that sometimes it is much easier to push a skateboard then it is to sit when my hips hurt like this.  I believe stress at work may have been the trigger.

These are beautiful decks.  I have a feeling Koda Bear may enjoy the one on the right.  I am going to take some of the older longboards to Grandma Sally's so everyone can ride.  It is why I bought helmets for her house.  I can clean and bandage scrapes.

Half the day today my hips did not ache.  That is better then yesterday.  I am going for no ache just tired tomorrow.  And a ride on Friday morning.  But even though I have these to play with, my Long Rodriguez may be my first ride of the day.  Just happiness.  There is no surf forecasted and my ear is not reacting well to allergies.  Surfing concrete it is.


one step closer!

The back for the quilt I am working on is done!  Wahoo!

Today has been doing little things but soon I will start basting.  I am going to spin some because I do need yarn.  There is always more fibre to make more yarn.  Even though I have roving coming to me, I think the grey I showed two days ago is going into sweater.  And I am thinking the other roving I showed, may go into a cardigan that I have been trying to decide what yarn will be the contrast.  Nothing I have spun works with that sweater when I think about it.  I rarely even find anything I like to buy recently.

I find spinning relaxing and I admit to being in a funk.  Miss Koda Bear and the Tall Short Person.  Miss the Pacific Northwest.  My ear is still infected and hurts.  Want to go surfing but there is no surf or when there is surf it is accompanied by thunderstorms.  Nope.  And yes, we are still getting rain and the potential for flooding.

I did take a bit of time and took my Long Rodriguez skateboard out.  It helped.  Concrete surfing is not quite the same, but it helps.  It does mean that I have been watching a few skateboard and surfing videos.  I do have a skateboard in a shopping cart that I am pondering.  I actually found a short board I like.  A little bigger then a Penny (type of skateboard).  But that has more to do with me seeing myself taking it with me traveling.  I keep thinking I need a duffle for a skateboard, helmet, and gloves.  Grandma Sally's house has a good hill for skating!

The thought crossed my mind that  I need to post a sign in the yard that reads:  Drive like your daughter/momma/grandmomma lives here.


my new deck came!

My new skateboard deck got delivered today while I was at work.  My Beloved sent me pictures but it is so much prettier in person.

We went to Carve and the guys there set it up for me.  I walked through the door with it and it was immediately taken out of my hands and drooled over.  We had trucks and wheels and they put them on.  Clayton bounced on it and thought it was sweet.  Clayton's sister loved it.  I was unwilling to ride it in the shop because I hurt myself a bit last time I did that.  

But Scott is the reason my shoulders are so much better.  He had wonderful ideas.  He also thought the deck was beautiful workmanship.  

I did not have time to try it out tonight.  The street was too busy after work.  I am hoping I will have some time before the travels start again.


silk dress

After our trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida last year, I had picked up some flower print fabrics to make myself dresses for the beach.  Or bicycling.  Or skateboarding.  Or ......  It will not work very well for snow boarding.  It just is a little light.  I had gotten one done using a the pattern from a dress I had picked up in Cocoa Beach.  This is using the a-line pattern I have been using for most of my dresses recently.

I finished it today after work.  I had to put it on and try out my newest skateboard.  The one with the blue totem animals.  I like how it flutters around my knees even though it is a bit long.  I could shorten it an inch or two.  I might.  I might not.

The leaves in the fabric match my helmet and socks.  I did not try to do that at all but it did make me smile.

I admit that my concentration is basically shot.  Between the pain in my shoulders and missing Small Mister, my attention span once I get home from work is very small.  I use it up all at work.  I am doing things in very small steps and my hands seem to want to be in yarn.  That is okay.

The skateboarding makes me smile too!


skateboard part of boardhead

I have been down sizing stuff for awhile now, but when it comes to boards, that is not true.  I am a boardhead.  On my birthday, I bought this board after surfing and then road it to the library.  It is great fun!  You should see the looks the old lady gets on her skateboard in a dress with a bright yellow helmet!  And the people at work think I am absolutely crazy to be on a skateboard.  But the old gentleman on the street thought it was absolutely rad.

My Beloved has been talking about his favorite deck is starting to detoriate.  But then he will do 13 miles at a time.  Time to go to the local skate shop.  I have been looking at pintails and then found this one.  I love the art work!  And it reminds me of home on the mountain.

I wanted to take it out tonight but it was it was time for working on my shoulders.  The skate shop is a great place to talk about rehab without going under a knife so I have things to work on now.  I am sore.  Tomorrow morning may be interesting.

There may be another board picture soon because I have another deck coming.  The one we experimented on building but I actually sent an email to the shaper and he is making me one.  We are still going to try to build one ourselves. 

I need to keep think snow boards but it is so hard here.  At least I can ride a skateboard when there is no surf or snow!