We went to Washington to be with my Dad. It has been about two months since I saw him. He is doing okay enough for where life has him. It is hard to be okay after my Mom's death. But he likes having us. We go different places then he normally does and there are people in the house. I liked having my Beloved and Koda Bear with me.
My Dad does better with boys around. And the first day there I had food poisoning. I slept most of the day and it was not until evening before I could really drink and eat. Having the boys there helped or my Dad would have been very worried. I did get checked on the whole day but most of the time I was so out of it I did not even notice.
The boys worked with my Dad on things that needed to get done. Trees were pruned. A tree was cut down. The back steps were replaced. A lot of chess was played. School work was done. Not very different from what happens at home.

We did get up to the mountain twice. My Dad came up with us the first time. He actually climbed up into the loft to sit in my rocking chair. Watching your 91 year old father climb a ladder is scary! I clipped back blackberries and went for a ramble with Koda Bear.
The second time we were up there more work was done. My Dad decided not to come with us. I worked with the scythe until my shoulders said to be careful. The boyos weed whacked and cut down more trees. The trees were dead or dangerous so they did need to go. Definitely a theme of tree cutting for this trip.
Maybe next time I can lobby for the covered picnic area we are planning. Walls and fireplace will be included so short humans could sleep there if they wanted. Or if we have more then just the normal count. I am going to experiment with a rocket stove and a thermal mass bench in that space. Being able to sit out in the snow with a warm bottom could be pretty fabulous.

While we were up in Washington, I decided I needed a hat to travel home in. I get cold on planes. The hat helped. It also helped that I could crochet at my picnic table while the boyos wandered. Lots of tramping went on.
I found on the mountain that I did not suffer from anxiety when planes flew over. It is part of the flight path from Canada to the US and beyond. Which was pretty wonderful after everything that has gone on. My lungs eased. I could breathe easily. It has not been true since I have gotten back. Planes and breathing are difficult.

I got back and I had more face masks to make. I have a feeling that it is part of the new normal. I just read an article where Texas is the number 1 state for risk of COVID19 numbers to rise rapidly. Second wave. It does not surprise me at all. More face masks. More hand washing. More staying at home. Though I really wish to go surfing, camping, and walking in the mountains. Walking helps. For whatever reason, working on the computer is hard. Maybe that will change.