Entries in presents (3)


simple presents

I have a friend who is becoming a grandmother again.  I was invited to the baby shower but I am going camping that weekend.  I will also say that shower type parties of any kind are not really my thing.  

That does not mean that a gift was not created.  I had some leftover flannel from pajama making at Christmas.  Two pieces that were small boy toned.  I get very tired of the baby colors anyhow so these are a modern take and not very babyish but boy.

I just cut the fabric the same length as the width so I have a square.  In this case, it was about 45 inches.  I hem all the sides and a simple receiving blanket is created.  They are actually a touch bigger then what is easily purchased.  I find that they get used longer because they are great in car seats and strollers.  Koda Bear still uses some of his when we travel.  They are a perfect weight for sleeping in the car.

Just a simple gift.  Mailed off already because that is what life is like currently.  But I am finding that it is starting to become less wonky currently.  Hopefully, I just did not jinx myself!


it is the season of pajamas

I still make pajama bottoms as Christmas presents.  They are supposed to be for stockings but that did not happen this year.  

I am about a third to halfway done in my pajama bottom production.  It will depend on how many I finally decide to make.  And how many Koda Bear can talk me into.

The number of pajama bottoms has also increased due to the request that Koda Bear must match Grandpa.  Matching pajama bottoms.  It just makes me laugh.  I go into my thrifted flannel and find pieces large enough.  Nobody gets to chose the print.

I am moving slowly.  I wish to shred my skin off due to the saffron sensitivity.  It is a good thing that I am working on pajama bottoms and not something new currently.  I do not have to think as hard.  And the fabric is soft.  It is slowly getting better which is great.  But still!


so much quilting!

Two more quilts down.  They just need to be bound.  One really needs to be done by Saturday but I just do not think that will happen with how today went.  Today was all about errands and none of the tasks that were on the list were finished.  Except for dinner.  That got made.

But this quilt got laid out this weekend.  And sewn together.  The basting happened.  I was hoping for all of that and more.

The more would have been more then three lines of quilting done but that did not happen.  Koda Bear picked out the backing for this quilt at Ragfinery.  It is an orange polartecish fabric.  It is very soft but it does not move easily across my sewing machine.  I am going to get a work out making this quilt.  

When Koda Bear got back from his Dad's, he walked into my sewing room.  He is my helper.  The smile on his face tried to break it when he saw that his quilt was being quilted.  I think this one is going to be a win.  Now if there was a few more hours and a bit more energy between now and Christmas day, everything might get finished.  I am at the point of not worrying.  

Baking will happen tomorrow.  Hopefully some quilting.  Maybe pajamas cut out.  Too much.  Oh well.