Entries in sew (43)


it has been an interesting week

I will have to say it has been an interesting week and I have been hiding at my sewing machine.  As work gets more stressful, that is where I spend more time.  Soon, we will know how many people no longer work where I work.  I spend more time at my machine.  It does help for me trying to get ready for the Maker's Market in early April.

We had company because a friend called and said "can I come over?"  She did not wish to sit at home and brood.  Since it was a bad day for me as well, sure.  That was an evening full of laughter that helped.

I have been fighting having a migraine.  I could feel it on Monday but it felled me on Thursday.  My head hurt so badly that I had no balance.  Vertigo means my stomach was upset.  I got myself together enough to get to work but when I got home, I fell asleep.  I feel the effects today but my head is better.

Hiding means another quilt top was pieced.  More nine squares put together.  Not a bad way to hide.


being frustrated and frugal

For the longest time, I have been trying to make slips that I like.  But I have not been very successful.  Usually they are too full or not low enough or not short enough or not long enough.  Lots of design problems. 

I think I may have figured it out.  But I will never post a picture of them.  Simple sheath shifts with just enough of an a-line shape to not trip me.  I am one of those who feels that if you cannot do it in a dress, it is not the dresses problem but your mind set.  The only things that I have not done in a dress are surf and snowboard.  It definitely has something to do with being wet and cold!

The frugal part is that I am using an old silk Rennaissance dress I made.  I rarely go to the fairs anymore so there is no need for six dresses in my closet.  (We used to go a lot)  A good use of fabric.  And frugal really works right now.  I am going down to four days a week at work.  It has a lot to do with the price of oil a barrel hovering close to $30.  I am excited about it because maybe I will get some of the work for me done that I wish and maybe a business started.

One step at a time.  Right now, maybe a slip pattern that really works!


finished and ready to wear

I have been slowly working on this shirt between other projects.  The last thing that needed to get done was buttonholes.  They just took awhile to do.  And they did not go in as well as they normally do but I did get those buttonholes done!

Even though it is white and fancy, this is going to be a work shirt.  I have had all the pieces cut out for awhile now.  Part of it was that I was told "I do not need anymore shirts" until of course a shirt was needed.  I can be patient.  Patience means I get to quilt and experiment. 

I saw some very pretty Liberty of London Tana Lawn fat quarters today.  Makes me wish to purchase them and start more squares.  I can see them as nine squares but I also saw a quilt done with triangles that could be interesting.  I felt like I had been hit by a car for most of the day and I all I truly wished to do was sit at my machine and sew.  But instead, I was working in an office.

Koda Bear is so right. 


an apron of red hue

An apron was requested.  A red apron was requested.  This was as close to plain red as I had in the house that would be good for aprons.  It was supposed to be the back of Christmas tree but I changed my mind.  Why was a red apron requested?

Because Koda Bear helps me make potato lefse.  And as Poppa Jim does, flour gets everywhere.  He actually does all the rolling except the last bit now.  He has come a long way from me making lefse with him in a backpack on my back.

This apron was a definite hit.  Such a hit, another is needed, if not two.  Stocking stuffers?


blue silk

When my Mom asked for me to make a pillowcase for my Grandmother, she also asked for one for herself.

I had offered aprons or pajama bottoms but I got pillowcases instead.  King size pillowcases.  Which really are not that hard to make but were unexpected.  I always make some pillowcases during this season because I buy extra flannel when I make pajama bottoms and make myself new pillowcases for the year.  The difference this year is that they are for other people and king size, twenty two inches by forty two inches approximately.  It depends on which measurements can be found.

The blue silk pillowcase turned out well.  It is a greyish blue and so soft. 

The rest of the pillowcases are flannel.  Makes me smile.