
The reason I went to Estes Park was to look at fiber. I knew the chance to see my best friend was such a long shot that it would not happen but after missing SAFF I so wished to go.
Things I learned at Estes: I do not like how llama and alpaca smell in enclosed spaces. I almost got sick. I am a sheep and goat person. The pretty sheep above were for sale.
I bought two bags of fiber that were from a Blue Faced Leichester/Shetland mix from Black Bar Farm and an unprocessed Bond sheep fleece from Gleason's Fine Woolies. I was so excited. I wanted to start spinning right away! But I really needed to start heading home. (More mountains in the background. Already so missed!)
Once I got home and unpacked, the boyos verbally downloaded their life without me, I sat with one of the Blue Face Leichiester/Shetland fleeces from a sheep named Rain. It is such a lovely dark brown. I have spun a bobbin of yarn every day I have been back. I am thinking that I would like a turtleneck like an old JCrew sweater I had in graduate school. I am also thinking it may go very well with the yellow roving I bought. I might not have enough of the grey yarn I was making for the sweater I was thinking of. I am babbling I know. It is how my head is working tonight. Exhaustion has hit.
The white roving may become a yoga rug. I am making one for my best friend and I am changing my mind as I spin on how wish to put it together. Welcome to my head.
I need to get into my garden and sit at my sewing machine. There has been so much rain and heat that there are many weeds and mossie. And I always have quilts to work on. There are just not enough hours in the day.