different brain cells

After I finished the ruffle skirt, my brain cells kept pondering another skirt. So I headed to my stash again to see what I could find. This green piece of corduroy was it.
I have been wearing some of my older dresses and realized that I really like the shape of the skirt. But I wanted the option of changing the tops. And pockets. I took the skirt pattern I had made for those dresses and made a skirt. The major thing was I needed a waistband that was not elastic but not too tight. Especially when sitting.
I used India Flint's idea of a piece of string to measure what you and took it from there. Buttons from my button tin. Buttonholes. The skirt was made.
I really like how it lays over my body. The waist is not too tight. It goes to my ankles but does not drag on the floor. I like it a lot with my hiking boots. I can wear it with a t-shirt or shirt. I can easily put a sweater over it. I may be making another.
Making another is always a bit problematic for me. I am not a big clothes buyer but I do like making items for myself. My homemade garments take much longer to wear out then store bought. Which is a good thing. But it does mean my closet is full. I have clothes that are ten years old. And in fine repair. I have a few things where the fabric is starting to go but not the craftsmanship. I rarely make anything anymore that I do not like. And if I do not like it, I make it into something else. The garment does not end up at the thrift store or the landfill. Oh well. I will just try not to make too much!