
December. What can I say about it? I have been so busy with the business and my Dad. I have been sad because I miss my Mom and Christmas was definitely her thing. But it is almost January.
But the first visit to my Dad's had a walk in the rain which was lovely.
It was to Bridal Veil Falls in the Cascades. It was not a hard hike but I was not ready at all for the stairs. Why are there so many stairs on trails? I feel like I need to walk more hills and find an office building that will give me access to their stairs so I can walk up them everyday. But there are no office buildings near.
I still have all the Christmas baking and boxes to make except for my Dad. When I was there, I baked him cookies. He stashed them in his room so he still has some. I went back for Christmas.
I will probably spend this week baking cookies. I have a chefs roll to make for stock. There are axes to grind on and a farmer's market to work. I received Christmas/birthday money so I am thinking black fabric and the corresponding dress to make in my head. I know there is red yarn in the mail. I have a sweater that is half finished and another dress in my head. There are conversations on how to expand the shop. Handcrafted folders are wished to be made.
I was looking at this last ramble and this is really about how my week runs. There is always too much to fit and what gets done gets done. I made a dress last week as doing something relaxing for myself. And I totally get that stress most people so I have to laugh at myself.
Life just keeps going. I would like a room for myself. Maybe something I can build. Something tiny and just a place to sit and have tea. I would build a small mud rocket stove for tea. A chair for stitching, crochet, spinning, and reading. A room of my own. Less than 70 square feet does not need to be permitted. The odd little bits I have in my head.