Display room

Except for a few small pieces, the display room is done for Serenity Knives!
It has turned out so nicely. There have been people through it as we were finishing and everyone who has seen it has been impressed. I think that we were all ready for it to be done. I basically took the weekend off from all things that did not include a crochet hook or sewing machine except coaching.
Now, it is time to look at the next projects. My hand is healing which allows for easier typing. My truck is again street driveable after the tree fell on it during the most recent sets of storms. I get to design and build the sharpening truck next. And I will be the mobile sharpener. I will still be in this space but I will have to figure out how.
I also have been asked to design a breakfast nook with table. It would also need storage so it could be interesting. I have the dimensions and it will just take computer time. I do admit to drooling over wood at the lumber store. I would not mind building myself a $3000 dining room table but I do believe that is out of budget for this family.
I need to refinish my dining room table. Between hot dishes, pizza cutting, hard writing, and over 20 years of use, it is time. It is a Pottery Barn round table which they no longer make. It is a nice size which it is why I would refinish instead of purchase or remake. I may make something similar if there is another home. It sits 8 comfortably and we have had 10 around it. I like the round because it allows people to talk more.
There may be a bench commissioned too. I will see. My hopes are not up about that one but I liked that I put it into the universe. I do like working with wood. I still love working with fiber but this feels just as creative. Sometimes very similar and sometimes very different.
Let us see what I get pulled into next!