Happy Belated Fourth

I was still under the weather yesterday but we spent the 4th of July with friends at their lake house.
There was a lot of water play.
A bit of rowing. I had fun with the wakes from anything that had a motor.
There was a bit of fixing because part of my family became wild and crazy yahoos. (That is a quote). Now they want their own jetski. One thinks it is more fun then skydiving. The other say it is quite possibly better then skydiving. A bit safer it is.
We had shade on the beach and on the dock. Our dogs and the neighbors. And one small boy. He loved it all!
There was even a bit of rain. But it really was not a good soaking rain for the woods. There is a garden deep in the woods that I am helping to save seeds for.
A bit of dinner. A glass of wine. Fireworks on the other shore. It was a lovely day and when I walked into our house, I dropped into bed. There was work today.

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