do not do this at home!

I did something very strange today. I was having lunch with Mister and My Beloved and my should popped loud enough for My Beloved to hear it while he was driving. I was in the back seat with Mister. It meant that my shoulder has ached since. I took some aspirn and fell asleep in the middle of the floor and my family. They were talking jetskis and motorcycles. I was listening to the tiny pops in my shoulder. But I had Mister this afternoon by myself and I need to go to multiple grocery stores. With a bum shoulder.
I had taken a sling apart because it was a layer of percale and flannel. Much too hot for Mister in spring and summer. I sewed the percale pieces back together. Mister is a gearhead though. I am so glad that I have a treadle sewing machine because he wanted to SEE! The treadle was moving when I took this picture. It was moving slowly but moving.
Small Mister wanted to be on my lap to see and touch!
I finally got him to kick back and sit in my lap to finish the sling. But he never stopped moving. I am SO glad my machine is a treadle!
And in the end, I had a sling that worked. A bum shoulder and a small person were doable in three grocery stores. Small Mister really decided he liked the orange thread.
I would not recommend doing this at home though!

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