Yes, it is a good day.

Life is very interesting when you make your own yarn. If you do not have enough of one color it is not like you head down to your local yarn store and buy matching yarn. You either have change the pattern, change the yarn, or find something to work with what you have. I though I had enough yarn of one color for the second scarf I was making but I did not really. I decided to spin some yarn for the ends in a yak/silk fiber I picked up in Taos. It does mean that the package will get delivered later then it should but I am told that it does not matter.
I am thinking about spinning more yarn for after the holidays for more scarfs. I have some merino/yak that is so soft that a sweater made from the yarn may not be the best thing. I will have to see.
I was walking to the post office today to pick up more boxes for shipping. Most people I work with think it is much to far to walk at lunch but I do not. I am the crazy person who rides her bicycle in a dress to work most days too so that gives you an idea of how much I fit the norm. I got to an intersection and thought I had heard my name. There was a homeless man sitting at a base of a tree, hands in a praying pose, head bowed in blessing, looked at me and said "It IS a good day." He made me realize in that instant it was. I replied back, "Yes, it is a good day!"
I looked for a place to buy him a cup of coffee on the way to the post office but there was none. On the way back, I stopped when I got to him. I handed him some money and said, "Thank you for reminding me that today IS a good day. I looked for a place to buy you a cup of coffee and could not find one. I would appreciate if you would accept this and buy yourself a cup of coffee and a meal." His response was "Oh, sweetheart . . ."
Yes, it is a good day.
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