slowly moving forward

This is a busy time of year. It is busy with things I like to do very much. But the Small Mister and I have come down with the crud. it started the night of skating outside. It floored me yesterday, which was my Beloved's birthday. We went out for dinner instead of me making shepherd's pie. I needed a four hour nap just to do that. The rest of the evening was spent watching the last season of Warehouse 13 and me spinning. I got all the yarn made for gifts and then I started this yarn above. It is also for a gift but not for Christmas. Oh well.
Today has been about errands. To the grocery. To the library. Finishing up Christmas shopping. I have always liked to use real silver or silver plate silver ware. I found some today. Goodness. Very unexpected because I usually have to be looking.
I also found a basket.
A basket for my spinning and crochet. Also a few friends. My corner of the room feels much more organized. When Miss A goes through some of the yarn for her art classes, I am hoping it will feel even better.
It was a productive day. Just not productive in the ways I thought it would be. That is alright.

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