by the fire

We have been having some odd weather here this week. It is very damp still but more fog then humidity. It is also neither warm or cold. Which means that my body is hurting and anything that is aggravated by the damp is not happy with me. My right ear was hurting today at work today so I wore my new hat in the office. The proof of the pudding was that I needed to make it a little tighter to keep my ear warm. Warmth makes my ear feel better.
The boyos had built a fire in our pitiful fire pit this morning. They kept it burning all day. When I got home from work, I pulled out my crochet hook, took my hat with me, and sat at the fire to rip it out and rework it. I actually simplified the shell stitch to which made for a nicer band. It was just a very nice bit of quiet after a week of having people needing me all the time. I have people waiting for me at my office door when I get to work. This quiet was very nice.
My hat fits better too! I was thinking that I need to make some rug yarn but I am not sure I have the right tools. A rug made by a fire. That would be nice. Now how to make the yarn . . . ponder.
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