there are HOW many weekends until Christmas?

It has been a bit of a rough week coming back from the mountain. I had people waiting for me at my locked office door every morning this week. I had the ten minutes before I left "can you do this for me?" There was a newly minted three year old in the house who loves to help but also loves when Grandma Eli plays with him, especially quiet play that time of day.
I looked at the calendar on Friday, wondering how many weekends were left until Christmas so I could plan Christmas baking and the mailing of packages. I realized that I needed to have everything done by next weekend. The biggest issue for me was the bits and pieces that I put in the boxes that have nothing to do with baking but a bit to do with shopping and making. What made me cringe was the shopping!
I got the most of the shopping today. Got the baking supplies and tree. Laughed so hard at the glee in the eyes of the gentleman working on the trees when I asked what he was going to do with the branches he was cutting off the trees. He would have filled my truck bed full of branches so he did not have to deal with their disposal! I had to go to two fabric stores. I controlled myself well but not well enough. And I realized that I should not be allowed to go to a hardware store unsupervised. Especially when you get home with the haul and the comment is made, "you never bought tools like this for me!" I get told frequently enough that I am not like most girls to believe it.
Now I have simple tree up which I figure Small Mister and I will make not quite so simple with cookies. Fabric is bought and washed. There are enough supplies for baking. I have yarn and a crochet hook.
I just need a few more hours in each day . . .

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