i need more time!

Thursday, our internet went down for a few hours. I gave myself a digital holiday. We have a crazy two months coming.
We bought a "new" car last week too! We have only been talking about getting something smaller then a large truck for seven years. But as our needs have changed, our large two wheel drive truck just does not work on the mountain. We got a small all wheel drive vehicle that will be good for the mountain but also good for errands around town.
Now, if we could only keep our old suburban healthy. It gets us places it should not and gets us home. But I should not complain. We are the third owners and next year it will be old enough to drink! We will have two vehicles with that mile marker then.
This does mean I am saving my pennies for the "house truck" I wish to build. I read an article about how small farms really need a truck that is larger then the average pickup. Even the large pickups. That is what I am saving for. My Beloved is plotting ways we can also put a house on the back for me, especially in places where we may be snowboarding and there is a need for tea!
This space may be a bit neglected over the next couple of months. And I am afraid my sewing machine will be neglected too! We will be galavanting and I got invited to an out of town wedding. I may be taking my surfboard with me.
I am obviously rambling. I need more time in my garden, at my sewing machine, and at my spinning wheel. But the boyos have plans! And there is work. I do what I can.

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