in the garden

We had some unseasonably cool days this weekend. Not saying it was not warm or even hot, because it was. It just was not in the upper 90's or low 100's like it normally is. I was able to get some time in the garden.
I tried to get in the garden one evening but the mossie bites I got! My Beloved was horrified at the mossie bites I got. I got wiped down with witch hazel and that really helped. The next morning was a huge difference.
Mornings have many less misquitoes. I still get bitten by ants but the mossy bites do no happen in such large quantities. This is why I do not garden during the week. I only have time when I get most bitten. I did get my small patch of grass mowed and weeds pulled. I have started the process of getting ready for the winter garden. Seeds ordered. Thoughts about what I wish to plant. Beds are started to be made.
We are off adventuring though and my garden will be untended for over a week. Not unusual for this time of year but I feel like I need to figure out how to harvest and cook weeds. They are mostly grasses so it does not work. But the zinnias are beautiful and brighten my day. Hopefully there will be more when we get back.

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