my adventuring

I went off adventuring this weekend. I took a friend with me for the ten hour drive one way because my Beloved had track time. He has not stopped talking about it since I got back. He is still processing. My adventure was to a wedding. At a beach. I have never been to this part of Florida and it was beautiful.
We did get into our campsite until very late. Or maybe very early is the right way to say it. I put up my yellow tent in the dark by myself for the first time. The two of us did help each other a tad, mostly because we were either not quite tall enough (me) or a klutz (her). We had a lot of tent square footage for two ladies. We were both very proud of the accomplishment.
I would say the only "problem" was that there was no surf. But my friend and I took a 7.5 mile walk. Just meandering. Miss A took all these pictures because she is adventurous with her phone like that. Me, I am lucky to bring a phone or camera on a walk. We both got burned from all this lovely white sand, clear water, and sun. Even with the 30 spf sunscreen.
We were there for a wedding on the beach. A young lady from our skating family got married. It was lovely and they were both so happy.
On this beautiful beach, at sunset. We did not know if we were going to get stormed on or not. We did not but there was a double rainbow after the wedding.
The sunset was just gorgeous.
The rest of the evening was celebration. Good food. Good conversation. Much laughter. Bits of drama here and there but nothing got ruined. Celebration is the right word.
There was surfable waves as we were leaving to come back yesterday. Sigh . . . I really wanted to wake up in the tent again today and go for a walk on the beach instead of going to work. But that is not what life dished up.

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