
We cleared more this time on the mountain. I tease my Beloved that at times he mows with the chain saw.
I watch the fire. Put small limbs that are not good for much else on it so we are cleaning as we go.
Sit in a chair and spin. Soon a tree is down and logs are cut. Logs that need to go into a wood pile.
So I stack logs.
If the trees are not too big, I can get the logs into the wheel barrow and get them up to the pile. But there are times that I need help with that. I am told that I am the champion log stacker. But I do not think we have enough for February yet. Preparing for February is a Dar Williams song.
We have more clearing.
But we have so many limbs and trees still to clean up. Those are not bushes. Those are limbs from the trees. More work for next time.

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