being a dirt bag

I took the day of from life on Saturday. There was crappy shoulder high surf forecasted and I decided that was something I needed to do. I went to the beach with a couple thermoses of tea, a pb&j, my 3mm wetsuit, and my Yater spoon. I need to remember not to leave everything in the water because getting my board back to my truck was harder then I expected.
My surfing was pretty poor but I had so much fun. Yes, I need more practice but I laughed like a ninny too as the waves rushed me to shore. There is nothing nice about surfing at Galveston. It was its normal washing machine. Most waves were mushy with then the one unexpected powerful one coming through. I am so out of practice it was probably hilarious to watch. But a day on the beach, in the water, on my board, no matter how bad it is, is better then a day in the office. Did happen to mention I am actually afraid of the water. It makes my surfing even funnier to watch. Most of the surfers I have met are just stoked that I am trying.
I decided I needed to be a dirt bag more often. If there is surf in the forecast, I need to go surfing if there is nothing pressing at work.
I did have to repair my 3mm wet suit. I ordered the supplies a while back. A bit of 3mm (and 5 mm) neoprene and the glue.
It was easier then I expected. I must have done a good job because my patch held. I hate getting my wet suit on but I really like my wet suit in the water and sitting watching waves.
The forecast says more surf this weekend. I get to be a dirt bag again! Wahoo! Taking care of me.
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