zombie time (but all is good)

I was planning this post to be amount my jungle of a garden. That is why there is a picture of my beautiful flowers and a turnip. What I harvested from the garden Saturday as I was weeding the jungle. The jungle due to all the heat and rain we have had lately.
But notice that one word: rain. It has rained everyday since I got back from gallivanting. It rained almost everyday while I was gallivanting. Last night we got six to ten inches of rain dumped on us in the form of a string of thunderstorms. Slow moving thunderstorms. Houston was underwater this morning.
I am okay. I live on a natural levee here. Yes, I am two blocks from a bayou but one of the higher points in Houston. The biggest problem I had was sleeping. Between the storm, sirens, and helicopters, it was not a peaceful night and I did not sleep. This morning you could hear frogs because roads were flooded and people were not out.
Tomorrow may be better. It may not be because is looks like rain again. I walked to the store to buy a russet potato because I want gnocchi for dinner. Yes, I am the crazy person who would rather make it from scratch then use store bought even at 7:30 pm. I am waiting for the potatoes to be cool enough to handle, doing laundry, and drinking a glass of wine. I have been such a zombie today, I have not gotten much done.
Laundry. Camping and surfing seem to produce a lot but I am almost there.

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