parts are coming

Yesterday did not go as planned. I spent about six hours on troubleshooting the boyos sewing machine that sews leather. I got pulled into it Thursday evening when a sheath was needed to be made but the machine would no longer pick up a stitch. I have had a few more years experience with sewing machines then any of the boyos.
After the six hours. After spending time on the phone with support, parts are in the mail. I am hoping that they will fix the problem. If not, the machine gets shipped for a different style of TLC.
Going into Thanksgiving week, my guess is that it will be a different week as well. There is camping planned. Koda Bear here. Food but not traditional. Boyos working on the Christmas rush. There really is one, even if it is only knife sharpening. I can see where they are going to train me soon as an extra pair of hands.
Off to quilting the fussy quilt. It will be one of those things I can only show after Christmas. But that is life this time of the year!

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