more nine squares

Life is very good and I am very grateful. It has been mentioned that I need to rest. Which is hard because I feel like I am standing in place and exploding with ideas at the same time! I actually got pictures from teaching my friend how to ecoprint. I will share them and share what I do in my next post.
But because it has been mentioned that I should rest, I sat on the floor and laid out a quilt. Which is really, really hard for me. Even when I am sitting I usually have work in my hands. I am both crocheting and hand stitching two different dresses for myself. Let alone I am making Koda Bear a sweater and I am making myself a sweater.
And my best friend just sent me tempting links to more yarn today. Rustic lovely wools. Especially lovely for a pullover for a long dress to tramp in the woods in. I find when I am collecting plants for dye or foraging, long skirts or pants work really well. And in some ways, long skirts work better because I can use the skirts as huge pockets to carry my bounty.
Totally off topic, I just read a bit from India Flint that she believes every dress should have five pockets. Aprons should have five as well. My carpenter dress is a fine example of that. I am trying to figure out where I would want more pockets in a long skirt because there is so much truth in that. There is a vest pattern in Taproot magazine Issue 28 that has that feel. Pockets big enough for a ball of yarn or cord. Add a crochet hook, scissors, a notebook. I could think of a few more things. India Flint makes sure that there is one for a poem. That is not so much me but maybe something similar someday.
I am really babbling! My head has been exploding with ideas recently. I keep picking one or two and moving forward. I hope to write others done so I do not forget. But any project I make at my sewing machine, I make nine squares for quilts with left over bits and pieces. A bit of rest was sitting and laying this out.
Too soon I will have two quilts to baste! My autumn quilt and this one. I told my Beloved that he fell asleep before me last night I was going to make things. I just got laughed at.
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