all the small things

The last few days have been about all the small things that need to be done. Small things that end up taking time and energy. More then are expected in the major scheme of things.
I am loving the bed. But, the sheets would not stay on it. I would wake up every morning to having them untucked. I had polyurethaned the top to protect the wood and the mattress but it meant the sheets and mattress pad just wanted to slide right off. So this morning I used some spray adhesive to glue felt to it. I am going to see if that does the trick.
The plumbers were here on New Years Day. Things that needed fixing were fixed wonderfully. I filled the bread bowl with water to clean it and it is the first time in over twenty years that I did not have to tilt it because of the wonderful new faucet. But I realized I need to clean out under the sink. So I did. Three trash bags later of stuff and used cleaning supplies and it is done.
The cabinet under the sink looks wonderful! But it does make me realize that I truly need to change the counter. But I have known that for over fifteen years. My first thought was "I can do that!" and I know I can. It will just be will I chose too.
I have started in on the piles that are left from moving the Tall Short Person and Koda Bear into the house. It really took this long just because of not being able to reach it. But I have a complete pile gone. I still work on storage and as I do, I am going through things. The donation and sell piles are going to grow. I just have that feeling.
Now, my hands just need to feel rested and creating will start again. And energy. Energy for creating because right now it has been focused on organizing and cleaning. Which are not bad things. It does help the creating in the end. I just have withdrawals! And the pictures are pretty boring!

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