still chipping away

I am still working on Christmas. Pajama bottoms are still being made. One step at a time.
I need to bake for my best friend. She is a shortbread fan but I just told her about the bread I have been making recently. I know that I talked about the toasted oat bread I have been making but it is now a toasted oat and rye bread. I took the loaf the boyos like the best and amped it up for more flavor. That loaf has recently had an egg added to it for the protein content. I am sneaking nutrition in where I can because food is not on anyone's list of what they are currently interested in. I think it is just too much rich food through the holidays.
I am still picking away at piles. I hope to get another one under control today. I crashed yesterday and I have a feeling it may have been due to the yuck I got cleaned out. Sometimes the process is harder on my body then leaving it alone. And that also means there is a lot of pain today. There has been constant change for the last five weeks so I know that is part of it too.
Back to my sewing machine. Maybe after I deal with a pile. And possibly creating more storage. That is life
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