Mondays and cooking the wolf

I recently talked about keeping food around for when people are hungry. Soup is really one of my go tos. But what happens when no one know what is for dinner? I start looking through the refrigerator to find something to make into dinner. None of us are very found of going out.
Lately, I find I have been making casseroles that are rifting on Mexican flavors. I try to keep a couple jars of cooked beans in the refrigerator at all times. That way I CAN have soup any time I wish. There is normally cheese and recently, there have been tortillas. The boyos find they are a helpful side. If there are any meat bits, they can go in. I can add vegetables if there is something that fits the flavors. Then the possibilities are endless.
The one pictured above is quite simple. I really only had tortillas, cheese, and beans. But I warmed the beans, flavored them milder then I normally do and added oregano, and layered with cheese and tortillas. I popped it into the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until bubbly. It tasted like enfrijoladas but in a casserole. The only problem was there was not enough leftover for the boyos lunches.
One that I did not take a picture of, I used a green chili enchilada sauce as a base. And soup. I used soup as one of the layers. It was put together very similarly to the first one but I think I had a little leftover ground beef. It tasted totally different. But this time there was enough for the boyos the next day. Then my Beloved started figuring how cheap it was to feed the crew for two meals. It was about $3 a meal per person. He was comparing this to going out. But it was food that was close to being inedible.
This last week, I made something that was vegetarian again because I had no leftover meat bits. I did have some cream cheese that was close to going bad so I blended that with a jar of cooked beans to be used as a sauce. I heated four jars of plain beans and seasoned them spicy this time. I had Koda Bear grate cheese for me and he and my Beloved layered beans, cheese, bean sauce, salsa, and tortillas into the casserole pan. I baked until bubbly and it fed everyone at the table. It fed the boyos the next day. Plus it was my lunch and the Tall Short Persons.
I have started with the Imperfect Produce boxes and I will see how that changes thing. We do eat veg but Mondays have seemed to be using leftovers. But I can be creative. I did laugh at the bunch of turnips and the bunch of beets. They were both one huge one! But I like both roasted so it is all good. I wonder how that roasted veg would taste in one of these......

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