playing with quilts

I decided to do something different with the quilts I am making. This is it. I still really love the nine squares so they are a component but I wanted to see what happened when I added larger pieces of fabric. I have done some of the backs of my quilts this way and people seemed to really like them.
This is the top. I had thought about just using a large piece of thrifted flannel for the back but decided to piece it as well. It will be interesting to see what happens.
I am also dyeing fabric for my quilts. I have purchased used 100% cotton sheets at thrift stores and have started to put them in dye pots of dye made with plants. I am very curious what will come of that fabric and quilts that will be put together with those fabrics. I have a feeling they will be quite harmonious in a strange way. Combining two things I love will be so cool.
I am hoping my schedule for this week goes better then last but we will have to see. I am starting to count how many bowls of dough or just dough I have going at any one time. I will have to share Koda Bear's favorite bun soon because it is pretty fabulous as a cheese sandwich with prosciutto. That and some fruit, veg, and tea, I could drive cross country. Yes, ice cream and cookies would also make it pretty spectacular but I could go many miles before I sleep with his favorite buns!
Life has not slowed down any at all but I have adjusted to the current new normal. It will change when we start building the sharpening truck. I will be helping to design and build that before I start doing mobile sharpening. I am actually very excited. I could put a small stove top in it for making tea and plant dye. I have thought of this.
The sharpening truck could mean never again stepping into an office! In some ways, I hope the truck cabin takes off too! I just feel like I need to hold on to life because it is going different ways then I could every forsee!
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