annotto as dye

There has been a lot of velociraptor holding going on here. He settles for me when he will not settle for anyone else. It makes life a bit interesting. And life feels a lot like I should be holding be holding on with both hand while the road winds. It is good and I am grateful but it is a ride.
Which means things I am working on are taking more time then I thought they would because time and attention. Dye pots are fun because I just have to remember to stir them. I had a friend ask me if I ever dyed with annotto. I told her I had cooked with it but I had not tried dyeing with it.
That conversation made me curious. I went to the grocery store and all I could find was ground annotto but I decided I could work with that anyhow. I have been looking for oranges so why not.
I took a picture of the silk I dyed while it was wet. It is much more intense this way. I would like to see if adding more annotto to the pot makes it more intense.
I did dye some cotton. One piece was also dyed with iron added to the pot. I wish to add more plant dyed fabrics to my quilts. In another words, taking a long process and making it even longer. Yes, that sounds about right! But I enjoy it very much and it makes me happy so I think that is what truly matters.
I have a pot of eucalyptus going right now. I stirred it today and decided to let it go longer. I will be curious to see how it turns out. I hope to attend an art installation this coming weekend with lots of plant dyed and printed pieces. I am pretty sure I can make it happen but there is those curves in the road that come up. Since it is in a different city and would require a small road trip, I am keeping my fingers crossed!
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