
In the past week, I went to Washington to be with my Dad and came back. I will say that life is interesting. Traveling in the times of corona virus is actually fairly easy, just because there are so many less people. Flights were a third of normal so you could have six feet from another person. Being not in my own space though was hard.
My Dad had a doctor's appointment that would be a precursor to surgery. He is completely capable of doing this type of thing himself but having another set of ears there was a good thing. We did all of his appointments by phone. He is at risk due to age. And the reasons for surgery. But there is not clear path to fix what is broken. A large part of that is his age. We will know more in the future.
It was very interesting to go shopping with my Dad in Washington, north of Seattle. I am used to be slightly prepared at all times for hurricanes. It means that you do not have work as hard if there is a hurricane in the forecast. We have also gotten a few Memorial Day storms in the past years that might as well be hurricanes for the amount of damage they have caused. Just always a little bit prepared. Not in Washington. I just kept thinking about how much food would go to waste.
I did go for a walk at Greenlake. I used to walk there all the time. Sunday. Sunshine. It was busy. Like a normal Sunday when the sun is out. Not social distancing. What I find interesting about social distancing that is I really enjoy solitude. I am not anti-social but I enjoy solitude. At times like these, having my own room with a key would be lovely.
Has social distancing changed my life? A bit. Coaching has been cancelled because of more then 10 people in one place. That is a good portion of my income currently. I think there is the possiblity of change in the future. We will have to see.
I will probably be doing this trip again in April or May, depending on quarantines. I feel like I should look up how to make a face mask. Or crochet one!
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