
I have been sent about three articles/requests for face masks from around the country. Here, use this or that pattern, we will be grateful. I looked locally. I am on the volunteer list with TX/RX Labs in Houston to sew medical supplies for the hospitals in Houston.
I have not gotten those kits yet. The patterns and templates are being finalized. Once they are done, it will be how many washable procedure masks with disposable inner filter, replacement n95 respirator, replacement Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR), and substitute Tyvek suits can crowd sourced sewers produce. I have the skills
So why am I making facemasks still? Because my family needs them. We still have to go to the grocery store. Bear had pneumoia this fall. Blue is small. Tall Short Person coughs. All the time. To keep us safe, I am making these.
These are not up to the same standard as a surgical mask. They will filter out about 50% of the corona virus. They keep the distance the virus can be projected smaller. And they allow me to practice.
I actually have fabric that would put the rate of filter as the same as a surgical mask but they are very difficult to breathe through. Cambridge University researches said tea towels would do that. But tea towels were originally flour sacks and had to keep the flour in. Their weave is very tight. I have gone to what is recommended. Which is a woven fabric on the outside and a jersey on the inside.
I like the ones that are a little large so I can talk and still have my face covered. This what is what I am doing right now. I try to take time to stretch and write but I am not so good at that. I have computer work to do but it is hard to concentrate. There is a lot of food in the house so I feel like I am eating too much. Or is that other people are wanting to have the company at meals? I do not know the right answer.
I never thought I would ever do sewing like was done during the World Wars. But I have the skills. And if bread is needed, ask.

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