spring and not parmesan

I was at my Dad's again. Lots of rain, some sun shine. It was very much spring in the Pacific Northwest.
More doctor appointments. There was good news. His heart is healing from the COVID created congestive heart disease. But it appears something flipped in his genetic code and he now has a very slow chronic leukemia. He is stage 0 and caught very early. The treatment is currently no treatment and it can be that way for years. It is just a watch and see. He has to go to the doctor's office every three months for a blood draw which he groans about but it is what it is.
Construction has started on the display room. And the remodel of the house. My Beloved said he wanted a kitchen remodel. I said yes if he took care of it all. Somehow, that project grew and I keep getting asked to make decisions. It is not the small cabin I really want so I do not really care. It is surprising how often I say I want this and someone else says I do not think this is a good idea. Even down to colors.
I have been eating much more vegan and I find my inflammation has gone down so much. One of those things that I did miss was parmesan. I found a recipe for not parmesan that satisfies even though it is not parmesan. I have used this multiple times now and it is wonderful with sauce or without sauce on pasta.
not parmesan (vegan parmesan)
Note: This is from the Minimalist Baker website. I have not even modified the recipe which is so not me! (laughter)
3/4 cup raw cashews
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
Put all the ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until a fine grind. Like the horrible can parmesan. This is better!
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