Much camping

The end of March and April we took the small boys camping almost every other weekend. One trip was to celebrate my birthday. The others were because both boys do so much better outside camping. One trip, I was the only adult and that worked well.
I am trying to walk someplace new on any other weekend. My left cornea is not healing. My ophthalmologist did make me laugh. I have idiopathic cornea edema. With a straight face, he told me it means the idiots do not know why my cornea edema has not reduced. He also floated the idea of a cornea stem cell transplant.
I am currently on three prescriptions because he and his cohorts do not know. I have been talked about. One of the prescriptions is for glaucoma and it can cause more pain. Outside is a good place to be. I do not have much energy by the end of the day between this and boys to feel like being creative. Dinners and dishes are also interesting. The Tall Short Person broke her wrist on her dominate hand and helps the best she can but....
I have done some nice things for myself like have coffee or lunch with friends. I have to admit I have tried to keep in it in driving distance. Driving and reading have become more difficult because of my eye. I may end up learning more Mandarin and Korean due to this. It gets back to reading.
I see the doctor again this week. I am trying to be what be will be. I currently would love to go to Abiqui Campground just to be. I may take the next fifth Sunday I have to do that. Because I am still working all the markets. My creativity is about pouring knife scales. Or a few rows of crochet. It will depend if I can find a campsite. That is Memorial Day weekend. I can hope for New Mexico or West Texas. I would like desert.
But watch the doctor or doctors change my plans. Or my Beloved's. My Dad has some early June appointments too.
Life keeps going forward. And getting more twisty More walking. More camping. More stitches, whether crochet or sewing. Sanity is the priority.
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