Entries in sew (43)


Doctor Strange

Two prom dresses, thread and buttons from the thrift store, and a cape was created.  It was just a lot of long seams because I used the hems from the dresses.  It does not have all the detail from the Doctor Strange Cloak of Levitation like the movie but this made Koda Bear so happy!

You cannot really tell he has his vest on under this but it is his whole costume.  He wore it all day on Halloween and all weekend at the Renaissance fair the weekend before.  I think I did wll.  Now, it is time to start thinking about his birthday presents.  Life does not stop.

Along those lines, I am back from the mountain.  Which I never got to.  I spent the week in doctor exam rooms, the ER, and imaging rooms.  My Mom started two weeks ago with what was thought to be just a horribly bad UTI.  There was a horribly bad UTI that was actually due to cancer.  She has pleomorphic carcinoma of probably the liver.  There is more then the liver involved which means it is Stage 4.  Also, that probably.  It could also be the kidney or pancreas.  But it is rare.  If you chose to google it, that type of cancer is normally related to the lung.  And it is rare for the lung.

Last week was trying to help her heal from the UTI.  She is very weak and everyone is so focused on the cancer word that they forget how bad it truly was.  There were a lot of doctors' appointments and almost another hospitalization.  If Dr. Matt had had his way, when we went to ER for the MRI he would have kept her.  Her blood sodium levels were off and she could have done with another transfusion.  But she did not wish to be there. 

Healing is about more then just what the doctors can fix.  It is being comfortable.  Being able to eat and rest.

The things that are most frustrating are the people dynamics.  I am there for my Mom.  What she needs, I will make happen.  I will facilitate what her doctors wish her to do to make her well.  It is not about me.  But because my Mom is such a center in her family and her community, it is interesting to see how scared people are making it about them.  Because if something happens to her, they will not know who to lean on.  There is a lot of power and control dynamics going on.  I find those people who are in the power and control game, are not even recognizing that my Dad has a role.  I do not wish to be watching this.  It is a bit fascinating.

I did have a friend tell me I need to take care of myself because I am such a caretaker.  Yes, he is right.  Last week, I made sure there was good food for everyone.  It was interesting how so many of those close to my Mom needed her attention but really did not let her rest or take care of her.  She was still supposed to take care of them.  Those people are still playing those games.  I get beautiful pictures of my Mom's Christmas cactus.  I can tell them, I win.  My Mom is feeling better even though there is a very long path forward.


different brain cells

After I finished the ruffle skirt, my brain cells kept pondering another skirt.  So I headed to my stash again to see what I could find.  This green piece of corduroy was it.

I have been wearing some of my older dresses and realized that I really like the shape of the skirt.  But I wanted the option of changing the tops.  And pockets.  I took the skirt pattern I had made for those dresses and made a skirt.  The major thing was I needed a waistband that was not elastic but not too tight.  Especially when sitting.

I used India Flint's idea of a piece of string to measure what you and took it from there.  Buttons from my button tin.  Buttonholes.  The skirt was made.

I really like how it lays over my body.  The waist is not too tight.  It goes to my ankles but does not drag on the floor.  I like it a lot with my hiking boots.  I can wear it with a t-shirt or shirt.  I can easily put a sweater over it.  I may be making another.

Making another is always a bit problematic for me.  I am not a big clothes buyer but I do like making items for myself.  My homemade garments take much longer to wear out then store bought.  Which is a good thing.  But it does mean my closet is full.  I have clothes that are ten years old.  And in fine repair.  I have a few things where the fabric is starting to go but not the craftsmanship.  I rarely make anything anymore that I do not like.  And if I do not like it, I make it into something else.  The garment does not end up at the thrift store or the landfill.  Oh well.  I will just try not to make too much!


waxed cotton and leather

Life has been crazier since I added in helping the boyos with Serenity Knives.  Yesterday,  I drove for eight hours to deliver knives, four hours each way.  The quiet was nice.  Being alone was nice.  Going someplace different was nice.  Being anemic did not make it easy.  I am taking my iron but still!  I just feel like there is little slowing down time.  There will be later in the week just because I will be on a jet plane.  I am off to a wedding and a fiber fair.  Yeah!

I did take a break on the way home and get food.  At a resturaunt I like in Austin.  I walked around a neighborhood to stretch my legs.  I took pictures of garden ideas I like.  As much as I like the wildness, having a decayed granite front yard also appeals to me.  I did go into a few shops just because.  Because I did not feel like I was dragging anyone with me and I could.

But busy is the norm.  For example, I have three different types of bread in process in my kitchen currently.  There is laundry in the machine.  I have been working on the computer.  There is a small beast who is taking a nap and I am listening for.  Blue has started to consistently roll over so listening must be more deliberate.  

Over a year ago, I was asked to start making chef's rolls by the boyos.  I did make a few.  In fabric, they are a lot of work.  They took a bit to sell so it was hard to be motivated to make them.  But then I made my traveling bag.

I have two waxed cotton dusters in the closet.  Leather scraps.  I put together a chef's roll.  It is a bit wonky because I was cutting a coat apart.  But it can hold seven knives and a spoon.  It has one of the original pockets from the coast as well as a leg band.  The boyos will have it in stock and I put it in my Etsy store as well to see what happens.  Who knows!  

I keep thinking I should put my quilts on Ebay to see what people will really spend.  If you are interested, make me an offer.  The meditation piece of those alone are worth it.

I will not be around this space later this week and next.  Family, traveling, and fiber.  I keep thinking I need to travel more this year.  It is possible but we will see.  I have a kitchen nook and a sharpening truck to build.  I may end up building myself a traveling truck!


changing a skirt

I was busy today.  I created a chef's roll. Which there will be pictures of soon but I came away feeling wiped.  I should have felt accomplished but it really felt like something was missing.  I just gave it my all.  

When I am like this, there is always a pile of mending.  Yes, I have other works in progress but I am usually making something without a pattern.  Mending does not really.  So I can do it when I have nothing left.

I had made this skirt a while back. I followed the directions which was probably a mistake.  The waistband was a fold over elastic.  It was uncomfortable so I did not wear this skirt.  Which was just disappointing because of the time I put into it.  

But after realizing why I was not wearing it, I altered it.  I removed the original elastic.  I then rolled over the top and inserted a wider piece of elastic.  I also made the waist a little bit tighter.  I got of the uncomfortable and I shortened the length just enough so the skirt did not drag on the floor.  Dragging it through puddles was not working for me.  Now, I can wear it.  I may wear it on my travels next week or take it with me.  I am still trying to figure out how to put my camping gear and clothes in the same bag for the flight.  Something will come to mind!


ballgown style skirt

It has been a week where the computer and myself have not been kind to each other.  I hope I now have everything sorted.  But is funny how a first world problem can seem like such a big deal when I am in the midst of it.  But, when I look back it did not mean anyone was hungry, unclothed, or unsheltered.  I was just having technology issues.  Bleah!  It is done.  I can hope it does not come up again for a long time.

I have a family wedding to go to this summer.  With requested dress for each event.  One of those is Dress to Impress.  Not that I really need anything new if I did not wish but I have been looking at ballgown style skirts for years.  I love the idea of long and swirl.  Especially with a white shirt.  It is an idea that has played in the back of my head for many years.

I bought some black twill to try it with.  Took cotton out of my stash for pockets.  Cut the fabric.  I used all day Friday for myself and made myself a skirt.  It really did not take all day but I double seamed everything.

I ended the day early with a long black skirt.  Which I love.  Especially with my hiking boots.

The pockets are not as deep as some others I have made in the past.  But I realized that means I cannot put so much stuff in my pockets that I drag the skirt down.  Thought I made it in a fashion that it will not go over my hips, even with an elastic waistband.  I did take it in a bit later.

This pattern added fullness but four deep pleats.  So the skirt still lies very flat but is very full.  It did not have to be cut in such deep wedges.

I love it!  It twirls!  Especially with my arms full of Blue.  I wear it with hiking boots.  I could wear it every day.  I have another in the works.