Entries in skateboarding (7)


a little craziness in terms of skateboards

Soooo.....  There is this skateboard I want that is handmade in Spain.  Seventy inches long.  But how do even know you might like that length unless you try it.  My Beloved and I put together a board to try.  I made the pattern.

Then we tried to figure out how much wood the board need to be.  We decided on trucks, bushings, wheels, and bearings.  

Glued up the top.  Sanded it.  Finished it and added grip.

Add the wheels.  A 70 inch skateboard.  I have to admit it does not have the flex I would wish so we will make the deck again but even so this is fun.  Our street has a bit of hill because we are on the natural levy.  I just carve back and forth down the street.  It really is not hard to push and Small Mister loves it.  I would have a picture of him trying it out but most of those were naked.  

Not quite back to the drawing board and not bad for a first attempt.  It is fun!  Makes me smile.  Does not mean I still do not wish to get the skateboard from Spain but we have more things to try.  My Beloved likes making these too.


where I have been spending a bit of time

My expermintation in permaculture has worked really well.  If not so well it is overwhelming!  I have told the neighbors to pick what they wish because every tomato is a volunteer plant and they ALL have fruit!  There are 15 different winter squash fruit in the yard too.  This is the biggest one so far.  It is ripe.  In June!  This is unheard of where I grew up.  The heat has not really started here yet so it will be interesting to see how all this continues.  I really need to get in and pull up some grasses but there is no space to move.  Maybe when some of the tomatoes die back with the heat.

I have also been enjoying my time on my skateboard after work.  I was riding to the library here with my Beloved and the Small Mister walking.  I had a gentleman stop his BMW, roll down the window, and yell "so cool!"  It feels so cool.

And when I think I will be going a bit faster, I put more pads on.  Still need the elbow pads.  My family tease me that I am a hill junky.  I think they are right.  It does make me smile and relaxes like surfing when I cannot get there or there is no surf.

Permaculture and skateboarding.  I think it says it all.

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