skateboard part of boardhead

I have been down sizing stuff for awhile now, but when it comes to boards, that is not true. I am a boardhead. On my birthday, I bought this board after surfing and then road it to the library. It is great fun! You should see the looks the old lady gets on her skateboard in a dress with a bright yellow helmet! And the people at work think I am absolutely crazy to be on a skateboard. But the old gentleman on the street thought it was absolutely rad.
My Beloved has been talking about his favorite deck is starting to detoriate. But then he will do 13 miles at a time. Time to go to the local skate shop. I have been looking at pintails and then found this one. I love the art work! And it reminds me of home on the mountain.
I wanted to take it out tonight but it was it was time for working on my shoulders. The skate shop is a great place to talk about rehab without going under a knife so I have things to work on now. I am sore. Tomorrow morning may be interesting.
There may be another board picture soon because I have another deck coming. The one we experimented on building but I actually sent an email to the shaper and he is making me one. We are still going to try to build one ourselves.
I need to keep think snow boards but it is so hard here. At least I can ride a skateboard when there is no surf or snow!

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