silk dress

After our trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida last year, I had picked up some flower print fabrics to make myself dresses for the beach. Or bicycling. Or skateboarding. Or ...... It will not work very well for snow boarding. It just is a little light. I had gotten one done using a the pattern from a dress I had picked up in Cocoa Beach. This is using the a-line pattern I have been using for most of my dresses recently.
I finished it today after work. I had to put it on and try out my newest skateboard. The one with the blue totem animals. I like how it flutters around my knees even though it is a bit long. I could shorten it an inch or two. I might. I might not.
The leaves in the fabric match my helmet and socks. I did not try to do that at all but it did make me smile.
I admit that my concentration is basically shot. Between the pain in my shoulders and missing Small Mister, my attention span once I get home from work is very small. I use it up all at work. I am doing things in very small steps and my hands seem to want to be in yarn. That is okay.
The skateboarding makes me smile too!

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