madly baking

Posts for the month of December feel kind of redundant to me. I bake so many of the same family recipes that I could just repeat posts. This year, I am four days behind due to the unexpected Christmas party that was out of town.
The vanilla and chocolate shortbread are done. But that means the sables and molasses crinkles still need to be baked. Also, scones for a couple people. I am thinking about sneaking a pumpkin cake into Koda Bear's box because pumpkin pie does not ship well. Pumpkin pie is his favorite. Just like mine!
None of this includes any baking I would do for myself. Travelling is happening for me at the end of the month. There needs to be enough bread for every day let alone travels. And I really wanted to get a kuglehopf and a panattone made. I have a few of the cookies as they are baked but really I wish the yeasted cakes.
I do want to run one experiment past the boyos. I wish to make a sour cream raisin pie here as a test. I will be with my parents after Christmas and before my Dad's birthday. I was going to make him a sour cream raisin pie for his birthday. I was told the last one I made was the closest to what his Mom used to make. I think I tweak now. Brown sugar instead of white. But I wish to test it on the boyos before I try there. Which also means a gluten free crust because one cannot eat gluten.
I have not even talked about the sewing that needs to go on! Stocking my shop has slowed down as I sew for family but I keep making nine squares so there will be more quilts as the year starts. Maybe even the one I am making for this home. That would be a surprise!
Thanks so much for listening to the babble. The cookie bowl should have soaked enough so I can make more dough. Sables next. Hopefully I can wait to walk to the grocery store tomorrow.....